
Blue Lake


The track to Blue Lake


Starting point at Charlotte Pass

Blue Lake Track

Kosciuszko National Park via Charlotte Pass

THE Australian Alpine Region is a special place to visit, one where millions of years of weather has shaped the landscape with contours, rivers, mountain peaks and spectacular lakes.

Yes, some areas may need more effort to access, but that is part of the whole exploring equation.

Without doubt Mt Kosciuszko is the most popular hike, you can read more on that on page 23, but here we highlight a most rewarding adventure that requires a few ounces of sweat, definitely some uphill hiking and at least some planning is required.

Blue Lake is a half day outing with a mix of adventure that presents the shimmering alpine lake waters as your reward. Starting at Charlotte Pass Lookout, wander down the hill and tackle the steppingstones to cross the Snowy River. This is also a great mini adventure if you don’t have extra time, the river visible from the lookout.

Once over the river you will find a steady but often daunting uphill climb that will 'eventually' end on a ridge line with the mystic Blue Lake below. Make the extra effort to wander down to the waters edge and admire the vast rock faces that surround the lake. Imagine in winter this entire area is covered in deep snow, which is why the water may seem cool even in summer. Take a swim if you must.